"...zobaczą zmiany na niebie. Będą świadkami słonecznego obrotu, jak nigdy dotąd. Następnie ujrzą Krzyż. Stanie się to tuż przed zderzeniem gwiazd na niebie i kiedy Moje Promienie Bożego Miłosierdzia okryją ziemię. Następstwem będzie cisza, tak że każda dusza będzie w stanie absolutnej prywatności, gdy stanie przede Mną. Powiedz Moim dzieciom na co muszą uważać, gdyż one nie muszą się obawiać."
Jezus Chrystus 11 listopad 2011 16.00

Czytanie na dziś

12 października 2010

Przewidywana data Wielkiego Cudu

This page has been updated on 12/08/10. (źródło:http://ausmedjugorje.webs.com/miracle.html

I realise the following subject matter is not as important as changing our lives and improving our faith, however I have included it mainly for interest.
Many people have heard that Our Lady has promised to perform a miracle at the pines in Garabandal and also on Apparition Hill at Medjugorje. There is some speculation that both will occur at the same time. Only at Garabandal did She give any idea when the Miracle at the Pines would occur. There are 2 variations on the day being reported. Firstly St Michael's Garabandal Center reports that it is on a Thursday between (and including) 8th to 16th April. Secondly, Joey Lomangino's Garabandal Website and the Australian Garabandal Website are both mentioning March, April and May. It will be on the feast of a Eucharistic Martyr and will coincide with an important event in the church. This event has not occurred in Conchita's lifetime and so is not Holy Thursday as some people have claimed. Some sources have also mentioned that the martyr is "little known" and hence martyrs which don't have much available detail have been flagged in this list as possibilities. The important event has occurred before but not since Conchita was born. Given this information, we can at least start looking into what Martyrs have feasts in this range of dates. The feast days have been obtained from the list of feast days at Catholic Online and there are some in the list which may not be Eucharistic Martyrs. Over the next few months, this list will be reduced as further research is done. If you wish to help please Contact us.
Click on an underlined date to see the list of Saints for that date. If a date is not underlined, there are no relevant saints on that date. Dates in bold have possible Martyrs under them
We do also know that on the day of the Miracle, Joey Lomangino will recover his eyesight. He is currently about 74. I have only included 10 years in the charts below as I am sure, Our Lady would not want Joey to recover his eyesight and then die only a short time later. We also know the Pope will see the miracle from whereever he is. The visionaries of Garabandal indicated that Pope John Paul 2nd would be the last Pope and then would come the end of time. This has been given a different meaning to the one previously given here. It is assumed, the end of time indicates an end of an era. The claim that he would be the last Pope indicates he is the last Pope of that era not the last Pope that would ever exist. Given it is only a few years since his death, it is still hard to work out wether a particular era has ended. Keep watch on this page for updates.
March April May
10/3/2011 14/4/2011 12/5/2011
12/04/2012 10/5/2012
14/3/2013 11/4/2013 9/5/2013
13/3/2014 10/4/2014 8/5/2014
12/3/2015 9/4/2015
Martyrs for each relevant day in March, April and May. If you wish to help narrow the list further, please email me any details you find toldaly2@bigpond.net.au Please include references to the information so I can cross check your information
8th of March
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
St Quintilis Put to death at Nicomedia

10th of March
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
St Alexander Missionary preacher in the area of Apema, Phrygia. Worked with Saint Caius. Fought the Montanist heresy. Martyred in the persecutions of Emperor Marcus Aurelius.
St Victor Martyr during reign of emperor Trojanus Decius in Africa. Mentioned by St Augustine in psalm 115
St Cyprian During the persecution of Emperor Valerian he was arrested for his faith, tortured, and martyred with a group of fellow Christians.
St Dionysius During the persecution of Emperor Valerian he was arrested for his faith, tortured, and martyred with a group of fellow Christians.
Elias Del Socorro Nieves During the government prosecution of the Church, he refused to a city where he could be controlled; moving instead to nearby hills where he continued to serve his parish, usually under cover of dark. Arrested with some pious laymen, and martyred on the side of the road for his faith and service
St John Ogilvie He worked as an underground missionary in Edinburgh and Glasgow, dodging the Queen's priest-hunters, disguised as a soldier named Watson. After 11 months in the field, John was betrayed by a phony Catholic, imprisoned, interrogated, then tortured for the names of active Catholics. He suffered, but gave them no information. "Your threats cheer me; I mind them no more than the cackling of geese." Asked if he feared to die he said, "No more than you do to dine." After three trials, he was convicted of treason for being loyal to the Pope, and denying the king's supremacy in spiritual matters. He is the Church's only officially recorded Scottish martyr.
St Gaius One of the Martyrs of Saragossa.
St Kessag (Kessog) Martyred at Bantry or some unknown site

11th of March
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
St Constantine of Cornwall On his way to Kintyre he was attacked by pirates who cut off his right arm and he bled to death
St Constantine II Murdered in 874 in a cave near Crail by Danish invaders; considered a martyr in Scotland for defending his Christian land against pagan invaders
St Eulogius of Cordoba Son of a Cordoban senatorial family. Well educated. Priest. Head of an ecclesiastical school. Worked to comfort and support Christian martyrs and their survivors during Islamic persecutions. Arrested several times for his faith, he wrote Exhortation to Martyrdom while during one of his imprisonments. Appointed to succeed the Archbishop of Toledo, but was never consecrated. Imprisoned after he gave shelter to Saint Leocritia of Cordoba, he preached the Gospel in court, then in front of the king's counsel. Martyr.
St Gorgonius 3rd century martyr.
St Thalus Martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian. No other information has survived.
St Trophimus Martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian. No other information has survived.
St Vigilius Murdered in forest near Compiegne at the order of Warator Frankish Mayor because of disagreement
St Trappimus and Thalus Two martyrs put to death at Loadicea under emporor Diocletian
St Candidus Details of Martyrdom lost
St Herachus and Zosimus African martyrs who suffered in Carthage in the persecutions of Valerian and Gallienus
St Peter the Spaniard

12th of March
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
St Alphege At fifty-two years of age, Alphege was consecrated Archbishop of Canterbury in 1006. He led the church in England through the disruptions and uncertainties of renewed and extensive attacks, which came to a head in 1011. The Danes overran nine counties in south-eastern England and then besieged Canterbury. They entered the city, killed most of the people and burnt everything. Alphege was taken in chains with other worthy prisoners to be exchanged for ransoms. After seven months the Danes wintered at Greenwich where an epidemic broke out. Alphege was allowed to minister to them and converted some to be Christians. When he refused to allow his people to pay a ransom of 3,000 pounds of silver the Danes felt deceived and on Easter Saturday, the Saturday after Easter, the 19th April, in a drunken rage they disobeyed their leaders and pelted him with ox bones and stones. One of the soldiers, Thrum, who had recently become a Christian, put him out of his agony with an axe blow to his head. He was buried at St. Paul's in London and in 1023 his body was translated to Canterbury by King Canute, with great ceremony. It was buried on the left of the High Altar where monks venerated it for long after. St. Alphege died for justice. His life and death give a special Christian meaning to reconciliation.
St Egdunus Suspended head down over a fire
St Joseph Tshang Ta Pang Martyr of China. A catechist put to death for the faith.
St Mamilian (Maximilian) Beheaded for refusing to join Roman army he refused to serve on the grounds that his faith prohibited it. Martyred for this stand.
St Peter of Nicomedia Arrested for being a Christian when the last great persecution of the church was launched at Diocletian's command

13th of March
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
St Christina Persian Martyr scourged to death.
St Grace Unmarried woman arrested, tortured and martyred for her faith in the persecutions of Diocletian. Breasts cut off and beaten until she received internal injuries, then returned to her prison cell to die of the wounds c.304 at Saragossa.
St Roderic or St Ruderic Accused for being an apostate from Islam. Arrested and beheaded.
St Urpasian Arrested for being a Christian and burned alive.
St Theusetas Killed at Nicea. More detail ?
St Sabinus Drowned in the Nile during Diocletian's persecutions
St Horres Son of Saint Theusetas. Martyred with his father and several others.
St Ramirus and Companions Killed by Visigoths who opposed Christians
St Patricia of Nicomedia Wife of Saint Macedonius. Mother of Saint Modesta. The whole family was martyred c.304 at Nicomedia (modern Turkey) together, possibly with as many as 19 other believers.

14th of March
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
Bl Ambrose Fernandez Arrested by the Japanese and died in Suzota prison
St Diaconus Killed by the Lombards
Bl Dominic Jorjes Arrested for sheltering Bl John Spinola. Buried alive.
Martyrs of Valeria Killed by the Lombards

15th of March
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
St Martrona (2 of them) (1) Put to death by her Jewish mistress in Thessalonica or (2) Executed in Rome for ministering to Christian prisoners
St Aristobulus Martyred disciple of Christ. No documentation
Bl William Hart Hanged drawn and quartered.
St Longinus Soldier who pierced the side of Jesus during the Crucifixion. Martyred in Cappadocia in the 1st century
St Leocrita (St Lucretia) Beheaded
St Mancius Bought as a slave by Jewish traders and killed for his beliefs
St Nicander Beheaded for giving aid to Christian prisoners
St Menignus Removed anti Christian edict from wall. Tortured, fingers cut off and beheaded.
St Monaldus of Ancona Missionary slain by Pagans.

16th of March
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
St Aristolobus First century. Said to have been one of the 72 disciples commissioned by Jesus to preach the coming of the Kingdom. Saint Paul mentions him in Romans 16:11. Identified with Zebedee, the father of the "sons of Thunder," Saints James and John. Legend says that after the Resurrection, he evangelized Britain and died a martyr.
St Denis Layman in Aquileia, Italy. Martyred in the persecutions of Numerian. Beheaded c.284
St John Sordi Benedictine monk at the abbey of Saint Lawrence in Cremona. Abbot in 1155. Sided with the Pope against the emperor Barbarossa, and so was banished from the abbey by the emperor. Hermit near Mantua. Bishop of Mantua in 1174, replacing a bishop removed for transgressions in office. In 1177, his predecessor repented, returned, and requested the return of his see. John asked permission to resigned, return the mitre to the previous bishop, and return to his life as a hermit. The request was granted, and John transferred to Vicenza. John was murdered by a man who had embezzled Church funds, and whom John was reprimanding. As John died working for the Church, and correcting a sinner, he is considered a martyr.
St Felix Layman in Aquileia, Italy. Martyred in the persecutions of Numerian.
St Hilary Beheaded in the persecutions of Numerian.
Bl John Amias (or John Anne) Married layman cloth merchant in Wakefield, England. Father with several children. A widower, he divided his property among his children, and studied for the priesthood in Reims, France. Ordained in 1581. He returned to England as a home missioner to covert Catholics. Arrested at the home of a Mr Murton in Lancashire for the crime of priesthood. Martyred with Blessed Robert Dalby. Hanged, drawn and quartered
Bl John Cacciafronte Killed by a disgruntled man.
Bl Robert Dalby Hanged, drawn and quartered.
St Julian of Anazarbus Prominent citizen of senatorial rank. Arrested for his faith during the persecutions of Diocletian, he was tortured then put on display for abuse for a year in cities all over Cilicia, being led around behind a camel. Martyr. Praised by Saint John Chrysostom in a homily during the enshrinement of his relics. Sewn into a sack full of vipers and scorpions, and thrown into the sea to drown c.302; relics enshrined in Antioch
St Largus Layman in Aquileia, Italy. Martyred in the persecutions of Numerian.
Leocritia of Cordova Born of wealthy Islamic Moors at a time when Christian conversion was a capital offense in Spain. Leocritia joined the Church, and her parents drove her out. She initially took shelter with Saint Eulogius. They were both arrested and martyred.
St Tatian Deacon in Aquileia, Italy. Martyred in the persecutions of Numerian.

8th of April
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
St Aedesius Arrested for publicly rebuking the local Roman officials who were placing Christian virgins in brothels.
St Albert of Jerusalem (Albert Avogadro) Born to a wealthy and promininent noble Italian family. Well educated, especially in theology and law. Ordained, he served as canon to Holy Cross Abbey in Mortara, Italy. Abbey prior. Bishop of Bobbio in 1184. Bishop of Vercelli. Mediated disputes between Pope Clement III and Frederick Barbarossa, and for his efforts was named Prince of the Empire. Papal legate to Northern Italy. Negotiated peace between Parma and Piacenza in 1199. Helped formulate the Rule for Saint Borcard and his hermits. This Rule later was adopted as the Rule for the Carmelites, and thus Albert is considered a cofounder of the order. Patriarch of Jerusalem in 1205 under Pope Innocent III, a position that generally led to conflict with the Muslims, and martyrdom. Since his lands were wholly in the hands of Saracens, he established his see city at Akka (Acre). Held the office nearly ten years. Well known for his involvement in both state and church matters, and as a peacemaker to the Frankish factions in his see. Summoned to serve in the General Council of the Lateran, but murdered before he could attend.
St Concessa Martyr venerated in Carthage.
St Dionysius of Corinth The Greeks honor Saint Dionysius as a martyr because he suffered much for the faith, though he seems to have died in peace; while the Latin Church styles him a confessor. Pope Innocent III translated his relics to Saint Denys Abbey near Paris, where the monks believed him to be Dionysius the Areopagite (Benedictines, Husenbeth).
St Herodion Relative of Saint Paul, mentioned in the Epistle to the Romans. Bishop of Patras, Greece. Martyred in the 1st century.
St Januarius African martyr whose name appears on ancient lists, but about whom nothing is known.
St Macaria African martyr whose name appears on ancient lists, but about whom nothing is known.
St Maxima African martyr whose name appears on ancient lists, but about whom nothing is known.

9th of April
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
Bl Thomas of Tolentino Beheaded in India.
St Demetrius Martyr. No acts available.
St Hedda He and 84 monks slain by Danes marauding along English coast
St Heliodorus Bishop in Mesopotamia. Martyred in the persecution of Shapur II.
St Hilary Martyr. No other details are known.
St James of Padua Franciscan. Missionary. Martyred with Blessed Thomas of Tolentino, Blessed Peter of Siena, and Blessed Demetrius of Triflis while en route to evangelized Ceylon and China. beheaded by Muslims in 1322 at Thama, Hindustan
Martyrs of Croyland Slain by Danes during invasion of Croyland Abbey England.

10th of April
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
St Africanus One of a group of 50 Christians who were imprisoned in a pen of snakes and scorpions, and then martyred, all during the persecutions of Decius. Beheaded in 250 at Carthage.
Bl Anthony Neyrot Entered Dominicans, captured by Moorish pirates and became a Muslim. Several months later put on Dominican habit to preach Christ's message and was stoned to Death.
St Bademus Wealthy Persian noble. Founded and led a monastery in Bethlapeta, Persia. He and seven of his monks were imprisoned for their faith during the lengthy persecution by King Sapor. Chained and regularly beaten for four months, he was murdered by Nersan, an apostate Persian prince who hacked him to death to prove his renunciation of Christianity. Clumsily beheaded 10 April 376; body thrown to the dogs but recovered and secretly buried by christians
St Appollonius Priest martyred in Alexandria.
St Beocca Killed by Danes in Surrey
St Terence Killed during persecutions of Emperor Trajanus Decius
St Pompeius One of a group of 50 Christians who were imprisoned in a pen of snakes and scorpions, and then martyred, all during the persecutions of Decius.

11th of April
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
St Stanislaus Excommunicated the King Boleslaus The Bold and stopped Mass when the King entered the church. The King later killed him during Mass.
St Antipas Disciple of Saint John the Apostle. Bishop of Pergamum during the persecutions of Domitian. Martyr. Mentioned in the canonical Book of Revelations. Roasted to death in a bronze bull in c.92 at Pergamum; his tomb became a site of miracles
St Domnio Martyred during Diocletian's reign.
St George Gervase Spent an adventurous youth, travelling to the West Indies with the explorer Sir Francis Drake. Studied at Douai, France. Ordained in 1603. Benedictine. Missionary to England. Martyred in 1608 at Tyburn, England
St Hildebrand Cistercian monk. Martyred with Saint Stephen by Albigensians 1209 at Saint-Gilles, Languedoc, France
St Philip of Gortnya

12th of April
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
St Sabas Goth. Lector in a church in what is now Romania. Captured by heathen Goths, he refused to eat food that had been sacrificed to idols. He and several others were martyed for this. Tortured to death in 372; body thrown into the river Mussovo
St William Ward Raised Protestant. Teacher. Travelled to Spain with a Catholic friend, and there joined the Church. Back home, he converted his mother. Repeatedly imprisoned for professing his faith. At 40 he went to Belgium to study for the priesthood. Ordained. Took the name Father William Ward. Traveled to Scotland where he was immediately thrown into prison for three years. Worked the next 30 years in and around London, secretly ministering to the Catholic population and the poor in general. Frequently jailed or banished. Eventually betrayed by a priest-hunter and thrown into Newgate Prison. Martyred, uttering the words: "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, receive my soul!". Born c.1560 in England as William Webster Died 15 July 1641 by hanging, drawing and quartering
St Vissia Put to death at Ferno near Ancona Italy during persecutions of Emperor Trajanus Decius
St Victor Catechurnen put to death during reign of Diocletian in Portugal
St Zeno Martyred under Emperor Gallienus http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/15754d.htm
St Tetricus http://users.erols.com/saintpat/ss/0412.htm

13th of April
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
St Carpus Martyred in Pergamus.
St Edward Catheriek Martyred at York.
St Hermengild Axed to death for not accepting arianism. Also as noted in http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07276a.htm, he refused to recieve communion from an Arian Bishop and was consequently beheaded on Easter Day 585
Bl John Lockwood Hanged drawn and quartered at York England.
St Maximus Beheaded by the Roman Authorities.

14th of April
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
St Antony of Vilna Martyred with Saint John of Vilna and Saint Eustace of Vilna. Official at the court of the grand Duke of Lithuania. Martyred for refusing to eat meat on a day of abstinence. Crucified in 1342.
St Ardalion Arrested and condemned and burned alive for proclaiming Christ.
St Eustace of Vilna Young nobleman and chamberlain at the court of Duke Olgierd. Originally a fire worshipper, he converted to Christianity Martyred for refusing to eat meat on a day of abstinence. Crucified on a tree in 13 December 1342 at Vilna, Lithuania; initially buried in Holy Trinity Russian-Greek Church at Vilna; head translated to the cathedral of Vilna
St Thomais Wife of fisherman in Alexandria Egypt. Ardent Christian who was murdered by her father in law for refusing his unwanted and illicit attentions.
St Tiburtius Martyr with Valerian and Maximus, known by their inclusion in the Acts of St. Cecilia . It is generally accepted that the Acts are fiction, but the three perhaps were genuine martyrs, especially as their tombs in the cemetery of Praetextatus were exceedingly popular during the Middle Ages. According to the Acts, Valerian was Cecilia�s husband, Tiburtius her brother, and Maximus a Roman soldier or official who died with them.
St Domnina Martyr with virgin companions. They died in Termi, Umbria, Italy. It is reported that St. Valentine was martyred at the same time.
St Peter Gonzales

15th of April
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
St Maro Member of group that followed St Flavia into exile. Martyred in Rome.
St Maximus and Olympiades Martyrs of Persia. Beaten to death because of their faith

16th of April
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
St Callistus and Charisius Drowned because of their faith at Corinth.
St Chrysognus Functionary of the vicarius Urbis. Christian teacher of Anastasia, the daughter of the Roman noble Praetextatus. Thrown into prison during the persecution of Diocletian, he comforted Anastasia by his letters. Martyred under Diocletian. Beheaded on 23 November 304 at Aquileia; his corpse was thrown into the sea, washed ashore, and was buried by the aged priest, Zoilus
St Encratia Native of Sargossa Spain during the persecutions around year 304.
St Vaise Wealthy citizen who was imprisoned and martyred for giving his property to the poor. C500
Martyrs of Sargossa (18) Group of eighteen martyrs murdered in 304 in Saragossa, Spain in the persecutions of Diocletian and the prefect Dacean. They are: Apodemus of Saragossa,Caecilian of Saragossa,Eventius of Saragossa,Felix of Saragossa,Fronto of Saragossa,Julia of Saragossa,Lupercus of Saragossa,Martial of Saragossa,Optatus of Saragossa,Primitivus of Saragossa Publius of Saragossa,Quintilian of Saragossa,Saturnius of Saragossa (4 men of this name),Succesus of Saragossa,Urban of Saragossa.
St Lambert of Saragossa Slain by his Moorish Master.

8th of May
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
St Victor Maurus Victor Maurus was a native of Mauretania. He was born in the third century, and was called Maurus to distinguish him from other confessors named Victor. He is believed to have been a soldier in the Praetorian guard. Victor was a Christian from his youth, but it was not until he was an elderly man that he was arrested for the Faith. After severe tortures, including being basted with molten lead, he was decapitated under Maximian in Milan around the year 303. Later a church was erected over his grave. According to St. Gregory of Tours, many miracles occurred at the shrine. In 1576, at the request of St. Charles of Borromeo, Victor's relics were transferred to a new church in Milan established by the Olivetan monks. The church still bears St. Victor's name today. After a life of adherence to the Faith during perilous times, St. Victor Maurus was taken prisoner and tortured as an old man. Despite age, infirmity, and declining health, he remained steadfast in the Faith, gladly giving up his life for the Kingdom. His generous response to the call to martyrdom stands as a solemn sign to the modern church of the folly of the things of this world.
St Acacius Acacius was a Cappadocian by birth, also known as Agathus. He was a enturian in the imperial army, was arrested for his faith on charges by Tribune Firmus in Perinthus, Thrace, tortured and then brought to Byzantium (Constantinople), where he was scourged and beheaded.
St Victor the Moor Martyr, also listed as Victor Maurus. Ile was labeled "the Moor" because he came from Mauretania, Africa. He was a member of the praetorian guard when a young man. He was in his old age when he was tortured and then beheaded at Milan, Italy, during the persecutions of co-Emperor Maximian.

9th of May
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
Bl Thomas Pickering Arrested as part of the Polish Plot. He was condemned and hanged at Tyburn.
St Gerontius Murdered by bandits near Ancona while returning from a Synod in Rome.
St Hermas First century Roman mentioned in Saint Paul's Epistle to the Romans. Bishop of Philippi. Martyr.

10th of May
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
St Solange Young virgin shepherdess who took a personal vow of chastity, devoting herself to God alone. She was murdered by her landlord, Bernard, son of the Count of Poitiers, for resisting his sexual advances. Considered a martyr as she died insisting on her fidelity to Christ. Some of the early tellings of her story include her carrying her severed head into a nearby village, and preaching to the people. Born 9th century near Bourges, France. Murdered c.880
St Alphius Arrested during persecutions conducted by Emperor Trajanus Decius.
St Calepodius Suffered under Emperor Severus Alexander.
St Dioscorides Martyr of Syrna. The acts of his Martyrdom are not Extant.
St Epimachus Burned to death after being imprisoned and tortured.
St Gordian Gordian died in Rome in 362, and was described by Pope Damasus as a mere boy. This cult is now confined to local calendars.
St Quaratus and Quintus Put to death in Rome during Roman persecutions.
St Peter Van Catechist arrested by authorities and beheaded.
St Simon the Apostle Apostle. Evangelized in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Several places claim to have been the site of his martyrdom. Martyred; Abbyssinians claim he was crucified in Samaria; Lipsius says he was sawn in half at Suanir, Persia; Moses of Chorene writes that he was martyred at Weriosphora in Iberia; many locations claim to have relics

11th of May
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
St Anastasius VI Life not documented ?
St Anastasius VII He and his family and servants beheaded for being Christian.
St Anthimus Priest and martyr of Rome, Anthimus is not well known. He is reported to have had the Church in Rome, converting many. One of his converts, a Roman prefect, brought Anthimus to the attention of the authorities. He was arrested and condemned to death by drowning. Miraculously saved, Anthimus escaped briefly but was recaptured and beheaded.
St Aloysius Louis Rabata Carmelite priest. Prior of the reformed convent in Randazzo. Born c.1430 at Erice, Sicily. Murdered in 1490 by a head wound; before he died he forgave his attacker, and refused to say who it was for fear the person would be punished.
St Maximus Martyr of Rome with Bassus and Fabian. No details of sufferings under Diocletian.

12th of May
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
St Pancras (St Pancratius) No reliable historical information on this martyr. Beheaded in 304 during Diocletian's persecutions at age 14.
St Dionysius Martyr and uncle of St. Pancras. An Asiatic by birth, Dionysius brought St. Pancras to Rome, where they became Christians. Dionysius died in a Roman prison.
St Nereus and Achilleus Martyrs of the Roman military. Members of the elite Praetorian Guard, they were reputedly baptized by St. Peter, exiled from Rome with St. Flavia Domitilla, and eventually beheaded.

13th of May
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
Bl Imelda Lambertini Daughter of Count Egano Lambertini of Bologna and Castora Galuzzi. Student at Dominican Convent of Valdi-Pietra in Bologna. Had a great devotion to Saint Agnes of Rome, of whom she may have had visions. On 12 May 1333 she miraculously received her First Communion, and immediately after died in an ecstasy of love and joy. Born 1322 at Bologna, Italy. Died 12 May 1333. Even though she is technically not a martyr, it could be said, she died for the Eucharist.
St Glyceria Glyceria destroyed a statue of Jupiter. Tortured, she was thrown to the wild animals but died before they could harm her.
St Mucius He reportedly destroyed an altar of the pagan god Bacchus at Amphipolis, Macedonia. He was set on fire and exposed to wild beasts as a result but miraculously escaped both attempts at murdering him. He was beheaded at Constantinople, modern Istanbul.

14th of May
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
St Boniface Spent a wild youth, and remained a confirmed bachelor all his life. Convert, brought to the Faith by a wealthy Roman lady named Algae during a journey to the East to search for relics of previous saints. Martyred for defending Christians put to torture for their beliefs. Beheaded in 306
St Hallvard Norwegian royalty. In 1043, as he was about to cross the Drammenfjord in a boat, a woman ran up to him, begging his help; she claimed she was falsely accused of theft, and feared for her life. Hallvard took her aboard, but the pursuers reached them before he could push off. They demanded he give her up, but he refused, saying the woman swore she was innocent. One of the pursuers shot and killed both Hallvard and the woman with a bow. The mob attached a stone to Hallvard's body and threw it into the sea; it floated, and was later enshrined at Christ Church, Oslo, Norway. Revered as a martyr because he died in defense of innocence, in the best spirit of chivalry. Died c.1043
Sts Victor and Corona Husband and wife and martyrs.They were put to death in Syria during the reign of Marcus Aurelius. Their Acts are considered highly unreliable.
St Engelmer Hermit near Passau, Germany, slain by a treasure hunter. He was the son of a poor laborer and was known for his holiness and for being a recluse. He is listed as a martyr.
St Just, St Henedina and St Justina Martyrs of Sardinia with Justina and Henedina. They were martyred at Cagliari or at Sassari
Matthias the Apostle Apostle. As he could bear witness to the Resurrection of Jesus, he was chosen to replace Judas Iscariot. Preached the Gospel for more than 30 years in Judea, Cappadocia, Egypt and Ethiopia. Remembered for preaching the need for mortification of the flesh with regard to all its sensual and irregular desires. Martyr. Stoned to death at Colchis in 80 AD.

15th of May
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
St Hallvard According to tradition, Hallvard was a Norwegian, son of Vebjorn of Husaby. He became a trader in the Baltic Islands. While defending a woman who bought sanctuary on his ship from three men accusing her of theft (he offered to make restitution to them), he was killed, with the woman, by arrows from the men. Though they attached a stone to his body when they cast it into the sea, it came to the surface, and the whole story came out. He has long been revered as a martyr for his defense of an innocent person and is the patron saint of Oslo.
St Andrew Martyr, companion of Peter and Nichomachus in Lampsacus, Mysia. Andrew and his fellow Christians were arrested during the persecutions conducted by Emperor Trajanus Decius. Nichomachus is recorded as having denied Christ under torture. Andrew and Peter stood firm in the faith. Nichomachus was scolded by a sixteen year-old woman named Dionysia, and she suffered martyrdom as well. Andrew and Peter were stoned to death.
St Torquatus Christian missionary in Spain, with Ctesiphon, Secundus, Indaletius, Caccilius, Hesychius, and Euphrasius. According to tradition, they were each disciples of the Apostles Peter and Paul and were sent to Spain to spread the faith. The majority of them suffered martyrdom in various parts of the Iberian peninsula, and each is honored on the same feast day; the Mozarabic rite also gives a common feast for them in its liturgy. Torquatus worked in the area around Granada.
St Cassius A martyr with Victorinus, Maximus, and companions in Clermont in Auvergne, France. Chrocas, the chief of the invading Germanic barbians in the region, put Cassius and his companions to death.
St Dionysia Martyr, who died at the age of sixteen in Lampsacus, Mysia. Dionysia witnessed the trial of three Christians, Nichomacus, Peter, and Andrew. During a torture on the rack, Nichomacus recanted and denied Christ. Dionysia rebuked him for his cowardice and was arrested. She was tortured and turned over to three men for physical assault. An angel halted their advances, and Dionysia escaped. She did not flee the area, but went to the arena where Andrew and Peter hadjust died. There, she demanded martyrdom beside the two saints, but soldiers carried her to another site, where she died by the sword.
St Gerebrand (Gereborn; Gerebernus; Genebrard; Gerebran) Martyred Irish priest, companion of St. Dymphna. He was quite elderly when he went with St. Dymphna to Belgium, where they were slain by pagans. Gerebrand, sometimes called Gerebern, is patron of a Rhineland area.
St Heyschius 1st century evangelist at Gibraltar. Believed to have been a spiritual student of the original Apostles. Martyr.
St Indaletius First century evangelist to Urci. May have been a disciple of the Apostles. Probably martyred.
St Isidore of Chios martyred c.251 at Chios, Greece; his body was taken to Venice in 1125 and hidden in the palace of the Doge; it was re-discovered in the early 14th century and translated to a chapel in Saint Mark's Cathedral; the skull was discovered on Chios, encased in a silver and jewell reliquary, and translated to Venice in 1627.
St Peter (Died 3rd Century Martyr during the brutal persecutions of the Church under Emperor Trajanus Decius. A native of the area around the Hellespont, Peter was put to death at Troas with Sts. Andrew, Dionysia, and Paul.

16th of May
Name Notes on Saint and Source of Information
St Andrew Bobola Jesuit missionary and martyr. He was born a member of a noble Polish family in 1590. Entering the Society of Jesus at Vilna in 1622, he preached in the church of St. Casimir there. He took solemn vows in 1630 and was made superior of the Jesuits in Brobuisk. There he preached and distinguished himself by his work of mercy during a plague. In 1636, Andrew was sent to the Lithuanian missions. A house was provided for him in Pinsk, Belarus, by Prince Radziwell, and he worked there despite attacks by Protestants and schismatics. On May 10, 1657, Andrew was kidnapped by two Cossacks who beat him and tied him to the saddles of their horses so they could drag him to a place of torture. He was partially flayed alive and finally decapitated. His remains were buried in Pinsk and then moved to Polosk.
St John Nepomucene In his early childhood, John Nepomucene was cured of a disease through the prayers of his good parents. In thanksgiving, they consecrated him to the service of God. After he was ordained, he was sent to a parish in the city of Prague. He became a great preacher, and thousands of those who listened to him changed their way of life. Father John was invited to the court of Wenceslaus IV. He settled arguments and did many kind deeds for the needy people of the city. He also became the queen's confessor. When the king was cruel to the queen, Father John taught her to bear her cross patiently. One day, about 1393, the king asked him to tell what the queen had said in confession. When Father John refused, he was thrown into prison. A second time, he was asked to reveal the queen's confession. "If you do not tell me," said the king, "you shall die. But if you obey my commands, riches and honor will be yours." Again Father John refused. He was tortured. The king ordered to be thrown into the river. Where he drowned, a strange brightness appeared upon the water. He is known as the "martyr of the confessional." He is patron of Czechoslovakia, where he is invoked against floods and against slander.
St Abdas Bishop and martyr, also called Audas. A Persian bishop, Abdas was arrested with seven priests, nine deacons, and seven consecrated virgins. These arrests initiated the persecution of Christians in Persia in that era. Abdas and his companions went to their deaths professing Christ.
St. Felix & Gennadius Two martyrs of Uzalis in North Africa, where their relics were venerated.
St. Forannan Bishop of Bordeaux, France, who is venerated as a martyr.
St Peregrinus First bishop of Auxerre in Gaul. Peregrinus was supposedly a Roman who received consecration as bishop from Pope Sixtus II in Rome and was sent to assist the evangelization of Gaul. He met with great success in the area around Massilia and Lyons, France. Most of what is known about him is legend, although there is no question that he was martyred under Emperor Diocletian in the late third century or early fourth century for interrupting a pagan ritual honoring Jupiter.
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